Monday, February 28, 2011

Opening Up

So, for the Lover's Lane Boutique, I took some pointers from a few friends of mine (Thanks to the hubby, Erlinda Denise and Bhrea)! If it wasnt for them, I am not sure that I would have been able to get as many people on my mailing list of I may have even come up short on a few sales.

Kreative Kandi Apples is my is my business.
If I want it to grow, I need to be able to talk to people.

With another event only a week away, I know that it something that I HAVE to prepare myself for.

I cannot and will not make it if I cant talk to people.

I MUST open up and talk to people so they can learn more about me instead of just looking at my card and possibly throwing it away.

We will see how it all goes...

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